Apr 22, 2012

Shopping, leopard flats and Butterbeer.

I have officially not shopped for a grand total of 2 months 2 weeks and 6 days, and it is killing me inside, slowly but surely. I miss the packages of clothes and shoes that used to arrive at my mail every other week, but recently I am determined not to shop for a while due to various reasons. No matter how hard I try, I cannot help but see these leopard flats EVERYWHERE, both in real life and on the net, which is extremely frustrating.
This picture is taken from helloitsvalentine, a really pretty fashion blog by a Parisan blogger. Sigh, whatever, might as well paint it myself on my black flats:

On a happier note,  I drew a mug of Butterbeer for Bistro Palooka, and I loved it so much I decided to post it here too!

Doesn't it look absolutely yummy?


  1. there is no way that it tastes good!..
    that looks like an awful drink :) heheheh
    and about the shoes!- you should totally do a DIY post about painting your shoes :)
    that would be so cute


  2. ohh i´m like you! every time i see a mall or a shop i almost start crying!!! im so poor right now, lets share the paint for our flats!!!! hahahahah
    that buttebee is the craziest thing i´ve seen! hahah


  3. Hug: Eh are you serious? Butter and beer... hello??? :)
    Btw I was kidding about the painting part, I am not really the crafty sort, haha!

    Cecillette: Yes! And I thought I am the only one who tear up while looking at unattainable clothes!
